Thursday 19 June 2008

A History of Atheism

I borrowed this book from the library the other day. A History of Atheism by Georges Minois. It's in French (because it's a french library. In France)
My previous reading in french started with adventure stories for teens and has progressed to whodunnits and all the novels by Robert Crais.
So it's time to try something heavy.

The cover photo shows: Epicurus, Rabelais, Hobbes, marquis de Sade, Nietsche and Sartre. Who the hell are they? Well, OK, I've heard of them, and come across quotes, but I have no idea of how they fit in with each other.

The cover blurb talks about someone called Theodore l'Athée (Theodorus the Atheist) who declared in the 4th Century BC that God didn't exist.

That's just the back cover and I've learnt something new!

To keep myself motivated I'd like to blog my progress through the book.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Here is a poem why Atheism are wrong.